Microblading Pre-care and Aftercare


Microblading, a semi-permanent makeup technique that creates the illusion of fuller eyebrows, requires meticulous aftercare to ensure the best results. Here’s why following proper aftercare is crucial:

Optimal Healing and Longevity

Proper aftercare ensures that your brows heal correctly and that the pigments settle evenly. This helps in achieving the desired look and extends the longevity of the microblading results. Neglecting aftercare can lead to uneven healing, resulting in patchy or faded brows. It is worth noting that this sometimes cannot be avoided due to the nature of microblading so superficial in the skin, this is why we get you back after 6-10 weeks to perform a touch up session.

Prevention of Infections

The microblading process involves creating tiny incisions in the skin, which can be susceptible to infections if not properly cared for. Adhering to aftercare instructions, such as keeping the area clean and avoiding touching your brows, reduces the risk of bacterial infections and complications.

Colour Retention and Intensity

Following aftercare guidelines helps in maintaining the colour and intensity of the microbladed brows. Exposure to warm water, sweat, and sunlight during the initial healing period can cause the pigment to fade more quickly. Proper aftercare ensures the colour stays vibrant and true to the original application.

Minimising Scabbing and Flaking

Proper aftercare minimises excessive scabbing and flaking, which can pull out the pigment from the skin. Proper washing, applying your supplied LolFace ointment and avoiding picking at the scabs help in preserving the pigment and ensuring a smooth healing process.

Consistent and Predictable Results

Adhering to aftercare instructions ensures that the results are consistent and predictable. This is particularly important for touch-up sessions, as a well-healed initial application provides a solid foundation for any necessary adjustments.

Avoiding Unnecessary Touch-Ups

Proper aftercare can reduce the need for frequent touch-ups, saving time and money in the long run. When the aftercare is followed diligently, the brows heal well, and the results last longer, requiring fewer maintenance sessions.

Protecting Your Investment

Microblading is an investment in your appearance. Following aftercare instructions protects this investment, ensuring that you get the most out of the procedure. It maximixes the benefits of the treatment and helps in achieving the best possible results.

Here’s a detailed guide of proper pre-care and aftercare:


I will pluck any hair outside the shape once we’ve mapped out.

·       You do not have to pluck/wax your eyebrows prior to your appointment. I actually prefer you to leave them alone for 6 weeks so I can see how your natural hair grows in. If you tint your eyebrows, you can continue to do this up until your appointment if you wish to do so.

·       If you use retinol, this thins your skin so please cease use for a week prior to your treatment.

·       Avoid aspirin for 48 hours prior to treatment as the blood will be thinner therefore bleeding is more likely (check with your Doctor first).

·       Please wait at least three weeks before or after a Botox appointment. Please note, that if you cease using Botox - your brows may not settle where you want them to as I will have based your brow placement on your Botoxed features.

·       Do not drink alcohol for 48 hours before your appointment as alcohol thins your blood, increasing chances of bleeding which pushes the pigment out.

·       Avoid caffeine on the day of your appointment as this also thins blood. 

During the healing process:

  • Washing once every few hours on day 1 and 2 with cool water and unscented soap, then on a morning and night until healed (which is usually a week)

  • Healing ointment (supplied) to be applied gently after washing - use a very small amount (size of a grain of rice) on your finger tip and dab on the treated area

  • Always avoid unnecessary touching, scratching or picking of the treated area (unless you have small oil spots - gently dab these away with a cotton pad)

  • Sleep on your back (a good tip – use a flight pillow to avoid rolling over whilst you sleep)

  • Do not drink alcohol excessively, alcohol thins your blood which means there’s more chance of your brows fading

  • Do not sweat excessively (no heavy exercise/very hot baths or showers) as sweat can also cause your eyebrows to fade

  • Swimming, sunbeds and sun-bathing should be avoided

  • Do not use any type of skin products, creams, washes or make-up on the treated area (it’s best to use face wipes to clean your face around the treated area)

  • Your brows may seem like they’re flaking off - this is normal healing! Allow your brows to do this in their own time (I repeat - do not pick them!)

Ongoing Aftercare:

You may tint/groom your eyebrows after two weeks if you wish to do so! Some people still like to continue tinting their natural brow hairs as microblading cannot (as much as we’d like it to) change the colour of your natural brow hairs.

Once your brows are fully healed, it’s best to protect them from sun exposure as this makes the colour fade faster - use a high SPF to protect them (lip balms with UVA and UVB protection are perfect for your brows). Products with AHA or Glycolic Acid will also make your brows fade faster.


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