The Gift of Confidence: Providing Free Microblading for Those Facing Hair Loss


Hello, dear readers,

Today, I want to share an incredibly touching and heartfelt experience that highlights one of the most rewarding aspects of my work as a microblading artist. As some of you may know, I offer free microblading treatments for individuals who have lost their hair due to invasive treatments like chemotherapy or illnesses such as alopecia. This is a small way I can give back and help those facing such challenging times.

Last week, I had the privilege of performing a microblading treatment for a truly brave woman who is about to start chemotherapy. Unlike my usual sessions, which usually come after a client has undergone treatment and is in recovery, this one was different. We did the treatment in advance so that if she loses her hair during chemotherapy, she will still have beautifully microbladed eyebrows to maintain some confidence.

This session was incredibly emotional for both of us. As I worked on her brows, we talked about her fears, her hopes, and how much this small act meant in her journey. It broke my heart to see someone so strong facing such uncertainty, yet it was also profoundly moving. Being able to offer this little piece of reassurance during such an awful time is something I don't take lightly.

Providing these free treatments is my way of giving back to the community and using my skills to make a positive impact. Hair loss can be a deeply personal and distressing experience, especially when it results from illness or medical treatments. The loss of eyebrows, in particular, can drastically change one's appearance, often making people feel like they've lost a part of their identity.

For me, offering free microblading is more than just a professional service—it's a heartfelt gesture. It's about giving individuals confidence to face the world, and to feel beautiful, even when they're going through something as challenging as chemotherapy or living with alopecia. It's about providing a sense of control in a situation where so much feels out of their hands.

Every time I provide these treatments, I am reminded of how grateful I am to have the skills and opportunity to make a difference in someone's life. It's overwhelming, in the best way, to know that something as simple as eyebrows can bring such joy and confidence to someone who might otherwise feel vulnerable or self-conscious.

To all the brave souls I've had the honour of working with—thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey. Your strength and resilience inspire me every day. And to everyone reading this, if you know someone who might benefit from this service, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to help in any way I can.

In these moments, I am reminded of why I started this journey in the first place. It's not just about the artistry or the beauty, it's about making a real difference in people's lives. It's about caring and doing everything I can to support those who are going through some of life's toughest challenges.

Thank you for reading and for your continued support. Spreading love can only ever be positive. 

With all my heart,

Lol 🫶💕


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